Do you need a personal loan or are in search of any legal money lender in Singapore? You are at the right place!
Introducing the SGP CREDIT’s Personal Loan program. Through this program, you may get the extra cash you need whether you want to renovate your home or get the servicing done for your automobile, fund your child’s education or pay off your debt, SGP CREDIT is an alleged and licensed money lender in Singapore. In case you want a fast approved personal loan or need any urgent cash with the best legal money lender in Singapore, SGP CREDIT is the preferred choice of partner for customers looking to borrow cash.
Get fast approved loans from a licensed money lender in Singapore
Have you ever faced a situation wherein you felt the need of some urgent cash flow due to a personal emergency though, it took you a lot of hassles to arrange the same? Don’t worry! SGP CREDIT’s Personal Loan program comes with a lot of unmatched benefits as follows:
- Zero pre-payment charges
- Low personal loan rates
- Easy EMIs for repayment
SGP’s personal loans come with flexible, easy and affordable payment terms. Personal loans meet the need for immediate cash without much of a hassle thus, they are the most common type of loans taken by customers. Banks come up with new personal loan schemes every now and then but, the rate of interest charges are much higher than that of SGP CREDIT. They are one of the leading licensed money lenders in Singapore, expanding their footprints on all over Singapore.
If you have any unplanned trip coming up or needs funds for an immediate expense then it would be best to apply for a personal loan from a trusted firm, at your own convenience.
Fulfill your personal loan requirements in Singapore within seconds
SGP CREDIT has a low rate of interest that opens up great opportunities for interested individuals. Whether you have a home renovation requirement or want to purchase an electronic gadget immediately or an unplanned trip is knocking your door, don’t worry; SGP provides assistance in all such financing needs.
Please ensure to follow the necessary instructions and get the documents ready to apply and be eligible for SGP CREDIT’s Personal Loans. Contact now for more details! The following required documents are to be ready to apply for SGP credit’s personal loans.
- An original and printed copy of your latest 3 months Pay Slips
- CPF Statements
- Income Tax Statements
- Original PUB Bill; or
- Any proof of billing indicating your residential address (electricity and other utility bill or handphone bill)